Brickwork & Decorative Stone Walls

Brickwork, Decorative Stone and Retaining Wall Builders


Garden Walls

Retaining wall builders near me

If you are looking for retaining wall builders near me get in touch with DNA Landscapes today

Garden Wall Builders

You'll fall for our garden walls!

Whether you need a curve or a straight wall we've build so many walls we will be able to construct a retaining wall that can really provide interesting, multi-level usable spaces in your garden.

Retaining garden walls can even be constructed using wooden sleepers. In reality any wall which contains (retains) something which is typically the earth will be a retaining wall so raised beds also fall into this category. Raised bed in particular can add another dimension to your landscaping and can be a little more practical too is being used for vegetable or fruits to minimise the amount of bending down you need to do to tend or pick their fruits.

Garden Retaining Wall

Including one or several retaining walls as part of a landscaping makeover is very common, especially if the initial garden terrain slopes. Whilst for some garden designs an existing slope can be utilised for other landscaping projects the lack of a flat area simply isn't going to be practical for an entertaining area such as a patio. As a result once earth has been cleared and excavated to provide a flat base something needs to hold up the ground to prevent it from gradually crumbling into the excavated space. A retaining wall does just that. Water and soil are prevented from eroding onto a new patio and the retained ground can be utilised effectively for plants, grass or other outdoor features.

As well as primarily having a practical purpose the wall itself should be seen as a landscaping feature. The clever use of building materials, shape size and positioning become a major influence in the final shape of the garden. Some choices will be limited based on the total force the retaining wall needs to withstand but part of our design process will dig into the detail (excuse the pun) and we will be able to advice on what wall options will be practical to build.

Garden Retaining Walls

In terms of the methods to construct (rather than the materials used) a retaining wall there are a number of options influenced by a few different factors:

Gravity walls 

As the name infers the downward gravity weight of the wall provide the resistance again the horizontal pressure applied by the ground. To improve the strength means an increase in weight so heavy stones and concrete blocks, which can then be decoratively finished, are commonly used for a retaining wall getting to about 5 foot in height.

Cantilever Retaining walls

For cantilever walls the cantilever structure forms an 'L' shape using a foundation slab connected to the vertical stem. The weight applied to the bottom stab keeps the stem vertical and supports it. With this wall system most of the pressure is applied at the join between the stem and foundation slab and allows for walls up to about 10 foot.

Crib block retaining walls 

These walls are made up of a base, a core, and a capstone. These are a little more decorative and use more concrete in their construction.

Garden wall builders near me

If you are looking for garden wall builders near me get in touch with us today

Garden Wall Brickwork

As mentioned, when building any wall in your garden it should be considered decision as it will have an impact on the overall look and feel of your landscaped garden.

When you are not required to retain much pressure on your wall more material choices will be come available such as simply pre-cast concrete blocks which are ideal for painting so provide infinite flexibility in terms of colour options. There are many brick or stones that can be used and mixing different brick colours - especially for the top of a wall, is common place.

Timber sleepers can work well and can be stacked in different ways to provide an array of wall and raised bed options. The other type of wall which is becoming increasing used in showcase gardens is gabion walls. These are made by filling a steel wire frame with a selection of rocks and/or stones and can be free standing. They can also be adapted to create living walls where plants can be included within the rocks along with appropriate containers or free standing soil from which certain plants will grown and provide an ever changing dynamic wall across the seasons.

With so many options we are happy to go through them and provide a short list of recommendations so that you don't have to 'sit on the wall' too long before making a final decision!

Frequently Asked Retaining Garden Wall Questions

  • Why choose DNA Landscapes to build my garden wall?

    Andy's first trade was as a bricklayer giving him20 plus years of installing brick and block structures of all kinds. Retainer walls, as with all structures, start with a solid load-bearing foundation capable of correct load distribution. Here at DNA Landscapes Coventry we consider all practicalities in the design process of a retainer wall. Including substrates, correct newton densities, and porosity of structural materials i.e. correct selection of blocks and bricks and correct mortar ratios, backfill aggregates and drainage. In addition to these factors, a structural engineer will always be consulted for larger projects.

  • What is the highest retaining wall DNA Landscapes has built?

    The highest retaining wall DNA Landscapes Coventry has installed is 1.5 metre 9 inch retaining wall using 7 Newton 4-inch blocks.

  • What brick / block is the most common for garden walls?

    Almost any facing brickwork or block can be used to install a retaining wall; the more important

    factor would be the density of the block used behind and that there is adequate drainage. As

    previously discussed, retaining walls by their nature are structural and load-bearing, and careful consideration should be given when planning to the materials and drainage.

  • Do retaining walls require drainage?

    Drainage and backfill aggregates are an essential considerations when planning and installing a

    retaining wall. Three-inch drainage channels should be installed every 750mm - 1000mm across the first course above ground. Backfill aggregates perform an essential role in allowing groundwater to trickle through and not build up behind the retaining wall creating added pressure. Building the aggregates up in a Monolithic design, from 10mm to 20mm gravel and possibly type one stone, depending on conditions and the particular project, will aid in allowing groundwater and excessive rain to filter through. A tarram membrane should be used which will allow for drainage and prevent the gravel from becoming contaminated by the substrate. A wire mesh should be used at the back of the drainage channel to prevent the gravel from entering the channel itself.

Retaining walls should be seen as a landscape feature too!

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